Biomining hydrogen. Hydrogen-producing microbial technology.

Biomining hydrogen

Golden hydrogen is given specifically to hydrogen produced by microbial activities in depleted oil wells and gas wells. Golden hydrogen has a particularly unique production method. This type of hydrogen is extracted from depleted oil and gas wells. These wells contain residual oil and gas hydrocarbons that cannot be profitably extracted in their current form. To produce golden hydrogen, proprietary mixes of nutrients and bacteria are pumped into the depleted wells. The bacteria then break the oil residue down into hydrogen and CO2. This process can bring new life to wells with existing infrastructure. However, ensuring that the CO2 is captured from the wells is a priority in order to ensure this type of hydrogen is carbon neutral. Through this method, golden hydrogen allows for oil and gas companies to make “second use” of old oil and natural gas assets, extending the profitability of drilling projects. Process will revolutionize biomining and subsurface biomanufacturing. Under the right conditions, depleted oil reservoirs can be transformed into subsurface hydrogen biorefineries. To have enough bacteria to extract enough hydrogen and carbon dioxide from depleted oil and gas wells, bioreactors are used to rapidly breed genetically modified microbes that can feed on hydrocarbons. For this process, the genes and enzymes of microorganisms in bioreactor systems are changed. As a result, microorganisms acquire new properties that allow them to become more tolerant of the harsh conditions of oil and natural gas reserves and acquire new abilities, such as removing heavy metals or producing ethylene.

The project is under development