OC 14/7/2Thermocrinis ruber

Thermocrinis ruber OC 14/7/2 is an anaerobe, spore-forming, hyperthermophilic bacterium that was isolated from Octopus Spring.

Name and taxonomic classification:

Last LPSN update: 14-12-2023 (DD-MM-YYYY)

Domain: "Bacteria"

Phylum: Aquificota

Class: Aquificia

Order: Aquificales

Family: Aquificaceae

Genus: Thermocrinis

Species: Thermocrinis ruber

Full Scientific Name (LPSN): Thermocrinis ruber Huber et al. 1999

Culture medium:

OS MEDIUM (DSMZ Medium 887)


Growth: 80 °C

Temperature range:



Oxygen tolerance: anaerobe

Isolation, sampling and environmental information:

Sample type/isolated from: Octopus Spring

Geographic location (country and/or sea, region): Yellowstone National Park

Country: USA

Country ISO 3 Code: USA

Continent: North America

Culture col. no.: DSM 23557